Top Cyber Security Don’ts

Top Cyber Security Don’ts

Welcome to our guide that covers mistakes and wrong actions harming cyber security. We tried to gather the top cyber security don’ts that can help succeed in the digital world by keeping safe.


There are many tutorials explaining what to do as well as not to. We think that those don’ts given separately can have more effect. Let’s see what mistakes and misbehaviour can contribute to hackers’ success.

Size Doesn’t Matter a Lot

Don’t think that small businesses and ordinary people are safe. The size of a company doesn’t make you immune to cyberattacks. In some cases, small firms are even more enticing for malicious actors as such businesses often don’t pay proper attention to their cyber security. They can also be a step to gaining bigger fish. However, small companies themselves offer hackers a lot of prospective personal data they can use to achieve what they want - control, access, money, etc. - as well.


The second part of this don’t is about individuals. Hackers implement a tremendous number of schemes. Some of them are oriented on immediate gains - small amounts but from millions of people. Some think bigger and consolidate data for lucrative targets. Ordinary people are frequent targets in all schemes - no matter how big and complicated.


So, don’t underestimate cyber security in every sphere where you engage with the cyber world.

Up-to-Date and Updated

Don’t forget to keep your apps and system updated. The cyber world is changing very fast, that is why software developers are busy creating and amending all the time. Cyber security is among the most critical directions updates concern. Regular updating prevents many risks.


Don’t let your hardware become outdated. It becomes slow and more likely to be hacked as it may be an obstacle for new security updates.


Don’t install unauthorized and non-trustworthy software from unreliable sources. It may keep very unpleasant surprises resulting in data breaches and other malicious activities. 

Keep Your Personal Data to Yourself

  • Don’t share personal identifiable information extensively, excessively, and via unreliable or public channels. Sharing personal data on social media may lead to hacking and other criminal activities. This don’t concerns public and private sharing because the latter is dangerous with known and unknown receivers as well. They may be hacked or hide criminals under the image of trustworthy users.
  • Don’t store your passwords on your device or somewhere near your device (on your desk, etc.). Don’t write them down. This way, you’ll assist criminals to get access to your accounts. Either remember your passwords or utilize reliable password managers which will take care of your passwords staying safe.
  • Don’t respond to calls, messages, or emails requesting confidential information. Use secure solutions with last encryption capabilities for file-sharing. 
  • Don’t forget to ensure that what you delete is truly deleted. Utilize special cleaners to wipe out documents, files, etc., with personal data for good.  


Know Your Enemy - Phishing and Other Scams 

Don’t open suspicious files, links, messages, emails, or attachments even when their senders are trustworthy (or seem trustworthy) because they can be hacked or spoofed. Suspicious links can be uncovered by simply hovering over them; with others, you need to trust your gut and experience. Otherwise, criminal actors can deceive you in a way that the victims can share personal data or install malicious software on their devices without acknowledging doing something wrong. Follow basic rules of cyber hygiene.


Don’t underestimate authentication. Go for the latest multi-factor authentication choices for all software.

Be Careful with All Devices and Connections

Don’t leave your personal and work devices unattended. This way, you prevent your devices from unauthorized access, usage, or stealing.


Don’t believe public Wi-Fi and other connections, especially without proper software installed. Utilize up-to-date anti-malware programs and reliable VPN solutions. They can reduce the risks of getting hacked. A reliable solution can guarantee your private data doesn’t go to hackers or any other receivers in the way that they can decypher it without authorized access.


Don’t leave your Bluetooth and wireless working when no longer needed. This may prevent malicious intrusion as well. Disable unnecessary channels that can be exploited by hackers. 

Don’t Delay Your Visit to Cyber Security Experts

MBS Tech has vast experience and expertise in dealing with cyber security issues of different types. We’re glad to help businesses and individuals to stay cyber safe.



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